
Brussels, 20.02.2024

Prof Dr Joacim Rocklöv from the University of Heidelberg in Germany is presenting as consortium leader the EU Tulip Project in Brussels

Community-based engagement and intervenTions to stem the tide of antimicrobial resistance spread in the aqUatic environments catalysed by cLImate change and Plastic pollution interactions

HORIZON-HLTH-2023-ENVHLTH-02 – Environment and health 101136659

High Level Confernce organised by the
European Commission

Research Perspectives on the Health Impacts of Climate Change.

Photo: Marina Treskova

Dr Marina Treskova (photo to the right) from the University of Heidelberg in Germany won the first poster prize for the EU Tulip Project in Brussels

Community-based engagement and intervenTions to stem the tide of antimicrobial resistance spread in the aqUatic environments catalysed by cLImate change and Plastic pollution interactions

HORIZON-HLTH-2023-ENVHLTH-02 – Environment and health 101136659

High Level Confernce organised by the
European Commission

Research Perspectives on the Health Impacts of Climate Change.

This fist little success shows the dedication of the TULIP consortium leading team!

Congratulations Marina & Consortium!

Photo: Joacim Rocklöv